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Il Futuro delle Città – Memoria, Identità, Bellezza, Nuovo Umanesimo

Curated by Cesare Capitti and Alfonso Lo Cascio.



The national conference “The future of cities”, with the subtitle “memory, identity, beauty, new humanism, generators of economy”, held on 22 October 2018 in Palermo, was born from the desire to understand the great changes affecting the city, the suburbs, the ways of living, working and enjoying free time.

The multidisciplinary contributions have highlighted the need to enhance and recover the suburbs of cities through regeneration operations, having understood that this regeneration begins with that of relationships between people.

It is a matter of re-establishing the relationship between the communities of the inhabitants and their cities, in order to be able to build a shared hope for the birth of a new humanism, capable of returning to the community a better place in which human relationships can develop in their fullness.


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