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Frequent questions

Below you will find a list of the answers to the most frequently asked questions.

01 Which is the nearest airport to reach Gratteri?

The nearest airport is the ``Falcone e Borsellino`` of Palermo.

02 How far is the ``Falcone - Borsellino`` airport from Gratteri?

The distance between Palermo Airport (PMO) and Gratteri is 80km. The road distance is 101.6 km.

03 What is the fastest way to reach Gratteri from Palermo airport?

The fastest way to get from Palermo Airport to Gratteri is by car and it takes 1h 19 minutes.

04 How can I get to Gratteri from the airport without a car?

From the airport it is possible to reach the Palermo central railway station and from there continue the journey by train to Cefalù and then by bus to Gratteri. Alternatively, you can choose to use buses with direct lines that depart from Palermo and arrive in Gratteri. Bus timetables:
Train ticket price: starting from 11.40 euros
Bus ticket price: starting from 6.00 euros

05 In case of medical assistance need, which hospital can I go to?

It is possible to reach the Medical Guard located in Piazza Monumento, 2. Or call the following number: (+39) 0921.429498. Unfortunately there are no hospitals, emergency rooms or clinics in the Municipality of Gratteri. Hospitals in the nearest municipalities:
Fondazione Istituto San Raffaele – Giglio, c.da Pietrapollastra, 90015, Cefalù (PA)
Ospedale “Madonna dell’Alto, c.da S.Elia, 90027, Petralia Sottana (PA)
Ospedale San Cimino, Via Salvatore Cimino, 90018, Termini Imerese (PA)
Casa di cura Serena, Via della Regione Siciliana 1470, 90135 Palermo (PA

06 Useful numbers of the municipality of Gratteri:

Municipal police: (+39) 0921 431015, Piazza Monumento, 4.
Italian police: (+39) 0921 429213, Via Nuova, 11.

07 Useful numbers of the church “San Michele Arcangelo” in Gratteri:

(+39) 0921 429209, Via Giglio 1, 90010.

08 When is it possible to attend Mass at the Gibilmanna sanctuary?

Weekdays: 9:30 and 18:30
Weekend: 9:30, 11:00, 12:00, 16:30, 18:00, 19:30.

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