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The story Rosario Mazzola, first Gratterese emigrant in Australia

The story Rosario Mazzola, first Gratterese emigrant in Australia


A story that comes from a distant land, where, a few days ago Mr. Rosario Mazzola passed away at the age of 90, the First Gratterese emigrant in Australia. This is his story…

Rosario Mazzola was born in Gratteri on March 11, 1930, his father was Paolo (1895 son of Domenico and Giuseppa Brocato) and Maria Giuseppa Di Francesca (1896, daughter of Rosario and Giovanna Scelsi). Third of three children: Domenico born in 1921 (who died in Russia during World War II) and Giuseppa, second-born, married to Giacomo Oddo (mother of Giuseppe and Liborio).

Rosario attended the elementary school in Gratteri then, after his mother passed away, he lived with his sister, Pina. At the age of 21 he was called for military service for almost 2 years, until he returned and decided to emigrate to Australia. It was 1956.

Embarking on a ship from Messina, he crossed the Suez Canal until he arrived in India crossing the Equator. The trip lasted 29 days until he arrived in Sydney. Then he moved to Wollongong where he began to work as a steel worker at the Steel Work company.


The young Saro spent many of his days in church, as sacristan, singing in the choir and assisting those in need. He became an example. He also attended the Comunità Italiana Cattolica in Wollongong.


After a few years, he himself sent his savings to Gratteri in order to celebrate, for the first time in the history of the village, the celebration dedicated to the Holy Heart of Jesus. One day, walking through the street in Wollongong, he is impressed by two girls speaking his same language.





Some time later, one of them, Enza Cinquegrani, emigrated from Scauri, Lazio, became his wife. They had 3 kids: Maria, Gina and Paolo Mazzola. Life goes well in Australia but with many sacrifices. Paolo becomes the manager of the South East Asian and Pacific banks and University Rector.

At the age of just 23, Paolo is proclaimed director of the Bank of Paris in Australia. His sisters Gina and Maria become teachers at private schools. Meanwhile from Gratteri will also come another of his fellow countrymen, Giovanni Di Francesca that, still today, together with his family, runs a Made in Italy artisanal ice cream shop.

The two will become close friends, united by the love towards Gratteri and St. James the Apostle. Sadly, in 2001, Enza died and, a few days ago, 19 years after her departure, Rosario died on November 16, 2020.

Rosario Mazzola deeply loved his country, and followed every event from afar, considering himself the biological son of Gratteri, adopted from Australia.

Let’s conclude his story with a dedication, written a few years ago, to his niece Giovanna, entrusted to the sweet Mother, Maria di Gibilmanna:

Con gioia e tristezza a Te, Madre Celeste Vergine Maria di Gibilmanna, ti affido sotto il tuo Manto Divino la bella affettuosa e dolcissima nipote Giovanna dalle insidie del male unita a tutti i suoi cari. Con immenso affetto, Zio Rosario“.

Have a safe trip, Mr Rosario. Yours Gratteri.

Photos from G.Ilardo and the Mazzola family #iltempodelritorno

Some time later, one of them, Enza Cinquegrani, emigrated from Scauri, Lazio, became his wife. They had 3 kids: Maria, Gina and Paolo Mazzola. Life goes well in Australia but with many sacrifices. Paolo becomes the manager of the South East Asian and Pacific banks and University Rector.

At the age of just 23, Paolo is proclaimed director of the Bank of Paris in Australia. His sisters Gina and Maria become teachers at private schools. Meanwhile from Gratteri will also come another of his fellow countrymen, Giovanni Di Francesca that, still today, together with his family, runs a Made in Italy artisanal ice cream shop.

The two will become close friends, united by the love towards Gratteri and St. James the Apostle. Sadly, in 2001, Enza died and, a few days ago, 19 years after her departure, Rosario died on November 16, 2020.

Rosario Mazzola deeply loved his country, and followed every event from afar, considering himself the biological son of Gratteri, adopted from Australia.
Let’s conclude his story with a dedication, written a few years ago, to his niece Giovanna, entrusted to the sweet Mother, Maria di Gibilmanna:

Con gioia e tristezza a Te, Madre Celeste Vergine Maria di Gibilmanna, ti affido sotto il tuo Manto Divino la bella affettuosa e dolcissima nipote Giovanna dalle insidie del male unita a tutti i suoi cari. Con immenso affetto, Zio Rosario“.

Have a safe trip, Mr Rosario. Yours Gratteri.
Photos from G.Ilardo and the Mazzola family #iltempodelritorno