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Gratteri Holiday: holiday houses, apartments and rooms

Gratteri Holiday: holiday houses, apartments and rooms

Gratteri Holiday is an ambitious project aimed at transforming the small city of Gratteri in an ideal place for tourist, students, and workers. The missin is to let the whole world known the unique beauty of Gratteri, offering to everyone the possibility to live unforgettable moments, immersed in the charmof this suggestive hamlet.

It offers the possibility of renting houses, apartments and rooms. Each proposed solution is carefully selected in order to guarantee the maximum comfort and satisfy all guests’ needs.

Whether you want a spacious house for your family, a cozy apartment for a romantic gateaway or a comfortable room for a short stay, Gratteri Holiday has the perfect solution for you. It proposes ideal and customized solution suitable for every needs, giving detailed informations before the booking and offering continous assistance, support and helpful advice to make your stay the most enjoyable possible.

Gratteri is an enchanting location shrouded in the charmj of myths and legends, located just a few kilometers from the famous and popular Cefalù. You can immerse yourself in its thousand-year history, explore its hidden treasure and enjoy breathtaking views. With Gratteri Holiday, you will have the opportunity to live a uniqye experience, discovering the cultural richness and natural beauty of this fascinating location.


Address: Corso Umberto I, 54 Gratteri, 90010 (PA)

Phone: (+39) 3891318453

